KLM Scholars Visit Johannesburg Firms, Exploring Careers Options

Each July, current KLM scholars in Grades 11 and 12, along with recent alumni in their first years at university, join a week-long ‘career explorations’ visit to Johannesburg organized by our generous partners at Lombard Insurance. Students have the opportunity to meet with over a dozen professionals from a wide variety of fields to learn about different career paths in business, finance, insurance, law, and tech. Students participate in round-table discussions with leading professionals, and have the opportunity to explore what it means to pick a career pathway and what subjects they must pursue at university to achieve their goals. The KLM Board of Directors expresses sincere thanks to the inspiring professional mentors who generously donate their time to share their personal stories with KLM students. This kind of exposure broads the horizon of opportunity for KLM students and sparks new thinking about career pursuits.